The City of Watervliet Police Department is located at 2-15th Street. The Police Department is in the same building as the City Hall.
Call the Watervliet Civil Service at 518-270-3800 ext. 114, for more information regarding upcoming Civil Service exams. Any upcoming Civil Service exams will be listed on that department’s page on this website. Go Here for the City of Watervliet Civil Service page.
Call the Police Department’s non-emergency number, 518-270-3833, to register your complaint. The complaint will be turned over to the Patrol Operations Supervisor, who will assign a patrol unit to your neighborhood in an attempt to solve the problem. We may send the radar trailer to the street for a day as a reminder to drivers in your area.
To help avert potential tragedy, the Watervliet Police are requesting that anyone who is aware of an underage drinking party taking place contact them at 518-270-3833. All calls received will be treated in the strictest of confidence. So don’t be afraid to call. Your call could save a life.
We also would like to know if our Officers have done something questionable or you feel may be improper. If you do, please complete the Officer Complaint Form and mail it to the Chief of Police for his review. Go here for a copy of the form.
The City of Watervliet does have a noise ordinance which the police department and the Code Enforcement department both enforce. For more info, check out our Noise Ordinance page.
Copies of reports are available five (5) business days after the report is taken. A Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request must be filled out and submitted to the City Clerk’s office between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday. There is a $0.25 charge per page. Go Here for a copy of the FOIL request . This request can be faxed to the City Clerk’s office at 518-270-3844. Please make sure a phone number is listed on the request as you will be contacted once the report is ready. This report must be picked up in person.
Citizens often call the police department in regards to matters that must be addressed by the court. The police cannot confirm or change the date of a court appearance or adjust a fine or dismiss charges against a defendant. All such issues must be directed to Court personnel at 518-453-5550.
No, department policy prohibits responding to such inquiries.
You can utilize our online Officer Commendation Form. This Form can be found under the “Forms” tab on the main page of our website. It is always nice to hear something positive that our Officers have done.
You have 10 days to make a payment or enter a plea. A payment must be received by mail or in person at the Watervliet Finance Department located in City Hall (Mon-Fri, 9a-2p). DO NOT mail cash. Make check or money order payable to the City of Watervliet.
To plead NOT GUILTY: Please appear at Watervliet City Court (Mon-Fri at 8am). A failure to respond to a parking ticket may result in the issuance of an arrest warrant.